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SBL Homeopathy Kali Bichromicum Dilution


Helps In For Vertigo, Sun Headache, Swollen Cervical Glands, Ulcers, Stopped Nose


Indication / Benefits

Kali Bichromicum, commonly known as Potassium Dichromate, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the chemical compound Potassium bichromate. It has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating conditions related to mucous membranes, respiratory system, and digestive tract. In homoeopathy, Kali Bichromicum is primarily used to address symptoms such as thick, ropy nasal discharge, sinusitis, and digestive disorders. It is also employed for its effects on skin conditions and joint pains.

Common Names:

Hindi: Kali Bichromicum

English: Potassium Dichromate

SBL’s Kali Bichromicum can be helpful in the following conditions:


    • Catarrh
      • This drug is effective for catarrhal conditions affecting the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, and nose. It produces tough, stringy, and viscid secretions.
      • Persistent catarrhal inflammation without significant fever, often leading to general weakness.
    • Sinusitis
      • Inflammation of the frontal sinuses with symptoms like pain and fullness at the root of the nose, accompanied by thick nasal discharges.
    • Dyspepsia and Gastritis
      • Kali bichromicum helps with symptoms like nausea, vomiting (especially after beer), a sensation of a heavy stomach immediately after eating, and an inability to digest meat.
    • Peptic Ulcers
      • Indicated for round ulcers in the stomach, with symptoms like burning pain and chronic intestinal ulceration.
    • Liver Conditions
      • Useful for issues like fatty infiltration, increased fibrous tissue in the liver, and soreness in the right hypochondrium.
    • Dysentery
      • Characterized by jelly-like, gelatinous stools, worse in the mornings, and brown, frothy stools.
    • Nephritis
      • Effective in treating kidney inflammation, with symptoms including scanty, albuminous urine and the presence of casts. It can also help with pyelitis.
    • Bladder Issues
      • Treats symptoms like burning in the urethra, a sensation of a remaining drop after urination, and periodic constipation with pain across the loins.
    • Hoarseness and Cough
      • Suitable for hoarseness (worse in the evening), a metallic, hacking cough, and profuse, sticky yellow expectoration.
    • Croup
      • Effective in treating true membranous croup extending to the larynx and nares.
    • Bronchitis
      • Treats bronchitis with pain in the sternum extending to the shoulders, especially worse when undressing.
    • Acne and Eruptions
      • Effective for various skin eruptions, including pustular eruptions that resemble smallpox and papular eruptions.
    • Ulcers
      • Useful for ulcers with punched-out edges that tend to penetrate deeply and exude a tenacious secretion.
    • Headaches
      • Helps with vertigo accompanied by nausea, frontal pain (especially over one eye), and headaches in small spots.
    • Eye Disorders
      • Suitable for supra-orbital neuralgia, swollen and burning eyelids, croupous conjunctivitis, and ulcers on the cornea.
    • Nasal Issues
      • Treats ulceration of the septum, thick and ropy greenish-yellow discharge, inflammation extending to the frontal sinuses, and loss of smell.
    • Throat Disorders
      • Effective for red and inflamed fauces, relaxed and edematous uvula, pseudo-membranous deposits on the tonsils, and tough, stringy discharges.
    • Migratory Pains
      • Effective for rapidly shifting pains in bones and joints, especially worse in cold weather.
    • Rheumatism
      • Useful for syphilitic rheumatism with tearing pains in the tibia, joint stiffness, swelling, and pain, particularly affecting the small joints.

SBL Homeopathy

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