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SBL Homeopathy Influenzinum Dilution


Helps In Catarrh, Cold, Influenza


Indication / Benefits

Influenzinum is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the Influenza virus. It has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in preventing and treating symptoms associated with seasonal influenza. In homoeopathy, Influenzinum is primarily used as a nosode to address symptoms such as fever, body aches, and respiratory congestion during flu season. It is also employed for its effects on immune support and reducing the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms.

Common Names:

Hindi: Influenzinum

English: Influenzinum


SBL’s Influenzinum can be helpful in the following conditions:

  • Epidemic Use
    • Influenzinum is commonly used during influenza epidemics as a substitute for other remedies like Baptisia.
  • Preventative and Therapeutic Approach
  • Influenzinum is employed both preventatively and therapeutically.
  • It is recommended to be taken preventatively by unaffected individuals during a family’s cold outbreak.
  • For those already experiencing symptoms, it is taken every hour or two to mitigate the progression of influenza or similar viral infections.

SBL Homeopathy


30 ml


1000 CH, 12 CH, 200 CH, 30 CH, 6 CH

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