Indication / Benefits
Fraxinus Americana, commonly known as White Ash or American Ash, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the bark of the Fraxinus americana tree. Belonging to the Oleaceae family, it has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating conditions related to the urinary system and joints. In homoeopathy, Fraxinus Americana is primarily used to address symptoms such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and joint stiffness. It is also employed for its effects on backache, gouty pains, and rheumatic conditions.
Common Names:
Hindi: Fraxinus Americana
English: White Ash or American Ash
SBL’s Fraxinus Americana can be helpful in the following conditions:
- Uterine troubles
- Uterine enlargement, fibroids, subinvolution, prolapse and tumors.
- Dysmenorrhea and Leucorrhea
- Painful menstrual periods and watery, non-irritating vaginal discharge.
- Cramping in feet which often occurring in the afternoon and night, associated with menstrual issues.
- Headache
- Throbbing head pain particularly in the back of the head.
- Sensation of heat at the top of the head.
- Depression and anxiety accompanied by nervous restlessness.
- Abdominal and Pelvic Pain:
- Pain and tenderness in the left inguinal (groin) region.
- Sensation of pressure extending down the thigh.
- Fever
- Recurrent fever sores on the lips.
- Sensations of cold creeping through the body and sudden hot flashes.
- Infantile Eczema
- Eczema occurring in infants.