Indication / Benefits
Conium Maculatum, commonly known as Poison Hemlock, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the flowering plant Conium maculatum. Belonging to the Apiaceae family, it has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating nervous system ailments, particularly those involving tremors and weakness. In homoeopathy, Conium Maculatum is primarily used to address symptoms such as vertigo, paralysis, and glandular swellings. It is also employed for its effects on muscle weakness, trembling, and ailments aggravated by aging or lack of activity.
Common Names:
Hindi: Conium Maculatum
English: Poison Hemlock
SBL’s Conium Maculatum can be helpful in the following conditions:
- Paralysis
- Ascending paralysis leading to respiratory failure.
- Gait and Strength disorders
- Difficult gait.
- Trembling and sudden loss of strength while walking.
- Painful stiffness of legs.
- Age-related Conditions
- Weakness, languor, and sluggishness often found in old age.
- Local congestions.
- Depression
- Depression, timidity, aversion to society, and fear of being alone.
- Lack of interest in business or study.
- Weak memory and inability to sustain mental effort.
- Mental depression caused by excitement.
- Sexual Debility
- Sexual nervousness and feeble erections in men.
- Increased sexual desire but decreased power.
- Hard and enlarged testicles.
- Dysmenorrhea with drawing-down thighs in women.
- Mammary glands that are lax, shrunken, hard, and painful to touch.
- Induration of the cervix and ovaries, with enlarged and painful ovaries.
- Ill effects of repressed sexual desire or excessive indulgence.
- Leucorrhea after urination.
- Urinary Troubles
- Difficulty in voiding urine, with interrupted flow and dribbling in old men.
- Pain and burning during urination.
- Respiratory Issues
- Dry, continuous cough, worse in the evening and at night.
- Difficulty breathing with oppression and constriction of the chest.
- Cough caused by a dry spot in the larynx, worse when lying down, talking, laughing, or during pregnancy.
- Headache and Vertigo
- Vertigo when lying down, turning over in bed, or turning the head or eyes.
- Headaches with stupefying pain, nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of a foreign body under the skull.
- Tightness in the temples, worse after meals.
- Photophobia and excessive tearing, with dim vision and corneal pustules.
- Defective hearing with bloody discharge from the ears.
- Nausea and Heartburn
- Soreness around the root of the tongue.
- Nausea, heartburn, acid eructations, and painful stomach spasms.
- Abdominal pain, especially around the liver, with chronic jaundice and right hypochondrium pain.
- Muscular weakness
- Severe muscular weakness, especially in the lower extremities.
- Heavy, weary, paralyzed feeling with trembling and unsteady hands.
- Numbness in fingers and toes.
- Pain relief by elevating feet.
- Skin and Glandular Issues
- Enlarged and indurated glands, including axillary and mesenteric glands.
- Yellow skin with papular eruptions and yellow nails.
- Chronic ulcers with fetid discharge.
- Night and morning sweats with offensive odor.
- Induration after contusions and bruises.
- Back Pain
- Dorsal pain between the shoulders.
- Coccyodynia (tailbone pain).
- Dull aching in the lumbar and sacral regions.