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SBL Homeopathy Hypericum Perforatum Dilution


Helps In Nerve Injuries, Pain, Neuralgia, Headache, Depression,Relieves Anxiety


Indication / Benefits

Hypericum Perforatum, commonly known as St. John’s Wort, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the flowering tops of the Hypericum perforatum plant. Belonging to the Hypericaceae family, it has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating nerve injuries, neuralgias, and mood disorders. In homoeopathy, Hypericum Perforatum is primarily used to address symptoms such as shooting pains, nerve pain after injuries, and depression with anxiety. It is also employed for its effects on spinal injuries, burns, and nerve related symptoms.

Common Names:

Hindi: Hypericum Perforatum

English: St. John’s Wort


SBL’s Hypericum Perforatum can be helpful in the following conditions:

  • Nerve Injuries
  • Hypericum is highly effective for injuries involving the nerves, particularly those affecting fingers, toes, and nails.
  • It is especially useful for crushed fingers and tips, puncture wounds, and to alleviate pain after surgical operations.
  • Symptoms include excessive pain, prevention of lockjaw (tetanus), and spasms occurring after an injury.
  • Neuritis
  • Tingling, burning, numbness, and flossy skin, along with general nerve pain and irritation.
  • Pain Relief Post-Surgery
  • This remedy can often replace the need for morphine in managing postoperative pain.
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Pain, bleeding, and tenderness in the rectal area, along with dry, dull, pressing pain.
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Pain in the nape of the neck, spinal concussion, and coccyx injury with pain radiating up the spine and down the limbs.
  • Coccyx Pain (Coccydynia)
  • Pain radiating from the coccyx up the spine and down the limbs.
  • Asthmatic Conditions
  • Hypericum helps with spasmodic asthmatic attacks that improve with copious expectoration, worsening in foggy weather but relieved by profuse perspiration.
  • Psychological disturbances
  • This remedy aids those experiencing psychological disturbances following a shock.
  • Feelings of being lifted high or anxiety about falling, making mistakes in writing, and feelings of melancholy.
  • Headache and facial neuralgia
  • Throbbing pain in the top of the head, brain feeling compressed or alive, facial neuralgia, and pulling, tearing toothache.
  • Skin problems
  • This remedy treats skin issues, especially those resulting from nerve injuries.
  • Excessive sweating of the scalp, eczema with intense itching, herpes zoster, and lacerated wounds with significant blood loss.
  • Back Pain
  • Effective for various back pain conditions.
  • Pain in the nape of the neck and pressure over the sacrum.
  • Extremity Pain
  • Addresses pain and discomfort in the limbs.
  • Darting pain in the shoulders, cramps in calves, pain in toes and fingers (especially tips), crawling sensations in hands and feet, and joints feeling bruised or experiencing hysterical pain.

SBL Homeopathy


100 ml, 30 ml


1000 CH, 200 CH, 30 CH

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