Indication / Benefits
Glonoinum, also known as Nitroglycerin, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from Nitroglycerin, a compound used medically to treat heart conditions. It has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating congestive headaches, heart related symptoms, and circulatory disorders. In homoeopathy, Glonoinum is primarily used to address symptoms such as throbbing headaches, congestive headaches worsened by heat, and symptoms of angina pectoris. It is also employed for its effects on high blood pressure, sunstroke, and dizziness.
Common Names:
Hindi: Glonoinum
English: Nitroglycerin
SBL’s Glonoinum can be helpful in the following conditions:
- Nerve Disturbances
- Glonoinum is useful for severe nerve disturbances characterized by great fatigue and a lack of desire to work.
- Patients may experience extreme irritability, easily provoked, leading to congestive head symptoms.
- A general sensation of pulsation throughout the body is also common.
- Headache
- This remedy is highly effective for various head and brain conditions, including congestive headaches caused by hyperemia of the brain due to heat or cold.
- It helps with symptoms resulting from sunstroke and exposure to intense light sources.
- Patients may experience throbbing headaches, pulsating pains, and a sensation of the head being too large or the skull too small for the brain.
- Glonoinum is also beneficial for cerebral congestion, headaches that worsen and improve with the sun, confusion, dizziness, and vertigo upon standing.
- It is indicated for threatened apoplexy, meningitis, and angio-spastic neuralgia of the head and face.
- Visual Disturbances
- Useful in visual disturbances such as seeing everything half light and half dark, letters appearing smaller, and seeing sparks before the eyes.
- Throbbing in Ear
- Throbbing sensations and hearing each heartbeat in the ears are key indications for Glonoinum.
- Patients may also feel a fullness in the ears.
- Choking
- Patients may feel a fullness in the neck, needing to open collars for relief, and may experience choking sensations and swelling under the ears.
- Nausea, Vomiting and Constipation
- Glonoinum is effective for gastric issues in anemic patients with poor circulation, including gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, and abnormal hunger.
- There may be a faint, gnawing, and empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.
- It also helps with constipation accompanied by itching and painful hemorrhoids, as well as diarrhea with copious blackish, lumpy stools.
- Delayed menses
- This remedy addresses delayed or suddenly stopped menstruation associated with head congestion and climacteric flushing during menopause.
- Palpitation
- Glonoinum is indicated for heart conditions such as laborious action, fluttering, and palpitations with shortness of breath.
- It helps with rush of blood to the heart and fainting spells brought on by exertion, and provides relief from a throbbing sensation felt throughout the body, including the fingertips.
- Itching and Pain
- The remedy is useful for itching all over the body, especially worse in the extremities.
- Patients may also experience pain in the left biceps, drawing pain in all limbs, and backache.