Indication / Benefits
Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known as Eyebright, is a homoeopathic medicine derived from the flowering herb Euphrasia officinalis. Belonging to the Orobanchaceae family, it has been traditionally valued for its therapeutic properties in treating eye conditions, allergies, and respiratory ailments. In homoeopathy, Euphrasia Officinalis is primarily used to address symptoms such as eye irritation, watery eyes, and hay fever. It is also employed for its effects on colds with profuse nasal discharge, cough, and hoarseness.
Common Names:
Hindi: Euphrasia Officinalis
English: Eyebright
SBL’s Euphrasia Officinalis can be helpful in the following conditions:
- Conjunctivitis
- Inflammation of the conjunctival membrane with profuse, acrid lachrymation.
- Thick, excoriating discharge from the eyes, sticky mucus on the cornea.
- Burning and swelling of the eyelids, frequent blinking, blisters on the cornea, opacity, and pressure in the eyes.
- Coryza
- Profuse, fluent nasal discharge with a violent cough and abundant expectoration.
- Catarrhal Affections
- Mucous membrane inflammation, especially of the eyes and nose, with symptoms worsening in the evening.
- Whooping-Cough
- Occurs during the daytime, accompanied by profuse lachrymation.
- Influenza
- Marked by a morning fluent coryza, frequent yawning when walking in open air.
- Headache
- Bursting headache associated with dazzling of the eyes, often linked to catarrhal conditions with profuse discharge from eyes and nose.
- Vomiting
- Resulting from hawking up of mucus.
- Nausea and Bitterness
- Particularly after smoking.
- Bowel disorder
- Dysentery, prolapsed anus, and constipation with a sensation of downward pressure when sitting.
- Menstrual Problems
- Painful menstruation that is short-lived, often late, scanty, or short. Amenorrhea linked with eye inflammation.
- Measles
- Eye symptoms are pronounced during the first stage.
- Injuries
- Consequences of external injuries leading to skin symptoms.
- Yawning
- Frequent, especially when walking in the open air.
- Daytime sleepiness with frequent yawning.
- Fever
- Chilly sensations and coldness, with sweating primarily on the chest during sleep.
Key Ingredients
Euphrasia officinalis
As prescribed by the physician.
Safety Information
- Read the label carefully before use.
- Do not exceed the recommended dose.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- Store in a cool, dry place; avoid sunlight and heat.
- Avoid strong smells (onion, hing, mint, garlic) during use.
- Allow 15 minutes gap between two homoeopathic medicines, 30 mins gap between Homoeopathic medicines and food, or one hour gap between Homoeopathic medicines or another system of medicines.